GOVEROTRAGEOUS: The not so Unintended Consequences of a new tax

NYC’s Upper West Side already becoming commuter parking lot for congestion-pricing evaders
By Chris Harris
Published April 6, 2024  — Updated April 6, 2024, 9:16 a.m. ET

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The Upper West Side is about to become a commuter parking lot.

Already notorious for its scarcity of spaces, the parking situation on the UWS has reached new lows of desperation ahead of the mid-June implementation of the Big Apple’s much-maligned, five-years-in-the-making congestion parking plan, which the MTA’s board authorized last month.

“The situation up here is untenable,” said longtime West 79th Street resident Renee Baruch, who’s noticed a steady uptick since January in the number of cars with out-of-state plates circling her block each morning.

“They’re on Riverside Drive, on side streets, with plates from all over, and you’re seeing the same ones every day,” explained Baruch, part of a consortium of Manhattanites that continues to push pols for a parking permitting system.

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Ahh, what will “We, The Sheeple” do?

I bet just suck it up and take it.  Death by a thousand cuts.  How do you eat a whole baloney?  Once slice at a time.
