A Failsafe in a World of Falling Safes | TAPinto

When Farina tells her story, her eyes always tear at the word “foreclosure.” Her Orange home had four-bedrooms and was beautifully furnished but when the bank foreclosed after just a few months of her struggles, “I ended up giving almost everything away,” she said.

She remains hurt and confused about the quick foreclosure, but “I didn’t have anybody there to fight for me or show me the way.

”She was a victim of the predatory real estate shuffle in urban areas that got more than a few banks in hot water with the government, but she ended up with nothing but the satisfaction that the big lenders were fined. But satisfaction doesn’t pay the rent.

Source: A Failsafe in a World of Falling Safes | TAPinto

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Sure your Gooferment will protect you. Notice that this woman’s banks got off with a fine. Shovel more money into the Gooferment cesspool. Did they give it to her to get back what she lost — obviously not. Private charity is efficient and effective; Gooferment “charity” is immoral, ineffective, and inefficient. As well as untrustworthy. It’s a sham. And, it deceives “We, The Sheeple” into thinking that they don’t have to be individually responsible to fund charity because the Gooferment does it.

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