Cracking an old code! AND an implication in today’s news.

How I Broke The Confederate Code (137 Years Too Late)

*** Quoted from DUGG *** 

A very interesting read about a former NSA cryptologist cracking a confederate code from the Civil War. Rather topical in light of the recent cracking of some WWII enigma codes, the current NSA stories in the news and, of course, all the "cryptography" in the imminent release of the Da Vinci Code. Interesting stuff.

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Having certified as crypto geek at NSA, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this crack. Note the extensive use of history, knowledge, geography, feel, emotion, and hunches. This demonstrates how far we have come. Once has to be extremely careful in any crypto operation. I am amused that PA has adopted eNotary. I'd be much more circumspec about the widespread deployment of cypto.  

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Electronic Notarization Comes to Pennsylvania!On January 3, 2006, the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania began accepting applications from currently commissioned notaries in the state for becoming approved electronic notaries (eNotaries). eNotaries are permitted to engage in electronic notarizations after receiving approval from the secretary. An application may be filled out online and printed from the secretary's Web site at Complete instructions and more information are also available on the Web site. 

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