INTERESTING: Maybe a blog with “fresh” content draws better?


>Re: Jeff Atwood on Blog Ads
>Posted by: “Jason Alba”
>Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:01 pm (PST)
>That’s a great post.
>secret on my blog about staying on-brand.

My secret is staying on whine! Having no “brand”, I just try to not be too annoying.

On a more serious note, has anyone done any “studying” about the concept of “freshness”? In my monologging career (as opposed to blogging), I noticed that most of my posting is done at night after dinner. I can usually find 5 to 10 things worth commenting on. imho

OK, whine about!

Like the state employee speeding to work, bullying the serfs just trying to go to work, out of the way by tailgating. Or, why yet another POS (piece of software) has let me down.

In looking at the time stamps, it struck me. Perhaps my blog would be “popular” (i.e., read by other than my relatives who I quiz any time I see them — only the offline Luddites are safe.), if I had content posted on a regular basis over the time span. If I have 6 posts, then, instead of dumping them all in between six and eleven pm, I could use the time stamp to have “fresh” content every four hours.

For the RSS types and the email readers, it wouldn’t make any diff.

But the real-time readers, thirsty for new content at 4AM, could find something. Find me. And, be so enamored of my great wit and wizzdumb, become life long fans. (No huh?) I’d get possibly a slug on the the free, and unequaled, wordpressdotcom dashboard overnight? That might get an eye ball. Bleary but it could convert to a reader.

If the blog – o – sphere is an open air market of ideas, does the din die down (I like that alliteration) at certain time? Can a pipsqueak be heard during that time? In the end, we all dead. But in the short run, to attract an audience, does timing matter? I think I have a firm grasp on the eyeballs of six relatives and three friends. Should I just be content with that? Or does fame and fortune await, if I could just be “discovered”? Or, am I doomed to “obscurity” as a blogger? Maybe I should focus on my spelling?

Timing of posting may be of greater import and impact to the “brand”, and other more serious, blogs.

Sigh, just a thought,

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