How about the concept of a “persistent draft” or form letter for blogging?


Let me start by saying. Great job. In using this, an idea comes to mind that would make it more useful to me. That's doesn't mean that it deserves great consideration, but you asked for ideas. I tend to blog on the same topic. My personal hot button is "state cars". For some reason, a commuting state employee in a car that I am paying for just drives my bp up to stroke level. Any way, how about having a "persistent draft". Basically a form, that the blogger can write into and publish to their blog. So for example, in Outlook, I have form emails. Basically I made a draft email and then copy and pasted it a bunch of times. So when I want to communicate in a constant style I can. So to when I blog about state cars, it would be easy to open up my "state car" draft, filling in the details, and press the BLOG button (publish). Instead of, as now, that draft being "gone", if I designated it a "persistent draft", the next blank for would be there, available for my next rant. FWIW, reinkefj facing life

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