Today’s jigsaw puzzle the Statue of Liberty with NYC skyline minus the WTC. Sensitive or Insensitive? I’d say “in”.

Today's jigsaw puzzle the Statue of Liberty with NYC skyline minus the WTC. Sensitive or Insensitive? I'd say "in".

But then, I'm the guy who says we should have a private fund raising drive to rebuild it just a little taller than it was. When a bully knocks you down, you don't roll over and let him kick you.

As an L, I hate the gummamint enslaving us. I'd have said sell the WTC towers because why is a quasi government agency running real estate in the hotest market in the world?

But, when someone kicks over my stuff, the gloves come off.

It's one thing if one of our own rants and raves. It's quite another if comes from the outside in. But then I'd also say we should be minding our own business.

But, this was "not relaxing", which is why I start my day with a modest mental challenge to get the brain going. 

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