Karen’s Replicator is a straight-forward backup utility that copies individual files and folders to another location


Karen's Replicator is a straight-forward backup utility that copies individual files, folders and even entire drives to another location. Its key feature is to schedule automatic backups. Simple, effective and … … free!

I use it to backup my luggable to my home desktop and my old laptop. While not precisely the same, if luggable would die unexpectedly, then I could take my oldlap laptop and not miss too much data wise. I would really like to be in the position of having two identical platforms but who can afford that? If I ever do it again, then that's what I'd do. It would be interesting since one would know what fouled up the environment. Sigh. Till then, I'll be using Karenware's replicator to duplicate data directories.

Of interest, the only trick I had to use was to define the other machines on the network to LUGGABLE so that they would each have drive letters. 

Hmm, other ideas?   

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