RANT: Hey Governor Corzine … … still wanna hear about state cars an speeding? (continued) … …


Today 11 May 06 at 0710 edst white car sg 20337 zipping down route 1 with what I assume is one state worker commuting to work in a car I am paying for. (Ain't I generous?) Anyway, speeding at I guess 65 to hurry to get to I assume trenton to protect and serve me. Thankfully the driver only got out of the left lane once while I could see it disappearing into the distance. I like the rest of the serfs can't afford a "revenue collection agent" giving me a receipt for services rendered protecting me form the dangers of speeding. No, the rest of the serfs on Route 1 have to pick our way thru West Windsor's routine radar traps. We can't speed like our rulers. But any way, I said "thankfully" because the driver of said state car doesn't signal. Not that unreasonable; no driver signals any more cause, someone will just close up on you. But the efficient police would ticket you if they ever saw a serf do it cause it's a nice "revenue enhancement".

Also, you might inquire of President Bush why also today the driver of Amtrack white truck G63-12513 thought it necessary to speedingly tailgate me in the middle lane. I guess he too, it was a he, was rushing to get to work to make the trains run on time. Of course as a serf, I recognized my place and got out of his way. No seriously, I just thought it was wise when the grill filled my back window. It was until after he zoomed by that I saw the amtrack logo and the white federal plate. I am sure glad I didn't hold up the important work of Amtrack by delaying this dedicated civil servant. There were probably meetings to go to and dougnuts to eat.


No I didn't think so. Let them eat cake! Let them drive to the right so the empire can expand. Maybe I can get a state car to go to work? No silly rabbit, that's for the ruling class.

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