GUNZ: Dogs kill librarian in TN. (Yup, it IS dangerous out there!)

***Begin Quote***

Police are still investigating the circumstances surrounding her death, but they believe she was attacked on the front porch of her neighbor's Knights Church Road home, near the town of Decherd. A chocolate Labrador and a second dog of unidentified mixed breeds are being held pending the outcome of DNA testing to confirm they were involved in the attack, Franklin County Sheriff's Maj. Bruce Elliott said Monday.

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Now I don't know about you, but I would have trusted the lady to have a firearm. Imagine the results if she had a "girlie gun", like a 380, in her pocket. Like her keys. Dog threatens. She whips out her "dog discouragement device" and pop, pop, bang! One or more threatening dogs are off to doggie heaven. She could even reload and make sure as far as I'm concerned.

Now her neighbor or the dog's owners, assuming they are different, may have a gripe. Heck they could even sue claiming it was excessive. But she'd be around to have that discussion.

Note that the gun has to be quickly available.

It's a dangerous world out there and it does NOT warn you very far in advance. So that's why the "threat abatement tool" or the "(pick one: dog, bear, cougar, other wild animal, criminal, psycotic spouse) discouragement device" has to be always at hand.

Concealed or open carry should be allowed.

In this specifc case, I would trust the now dead Librarian not to blow away things at random like the cute family dauxhund, fluffy the cat, or herman the kid, the post man, the gas meter reader, or a library patron. Wouldn't you?

Regardless of her eyeglass perscription, I think she would know that when in fear for her life, it's time to call on Saint Sam Colt.

I know that if I inadvertantly scared her enough for her to "present". Then I'd back away real careful like.

It's really a shame that we have allowed ourselves to be deluded into thinking we are safe if our make beleive world where nothing bad can happen to us.

Whenever the Father Gummamint allows me, I keep my device "handy". I'd like to be able do that ANY TIME without restriction. Just like it says in the Second Ammendment!

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