when a team full of NBA All-Stars can’t even medal in basketball, then one must truly fear for the future of America


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Public schools that can't teach children how to read or speak English is nothing new, but when a team full of NBA All-Stars can't even medal in basketball, then one must truly fear for the future of America.

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I like that line. We have survived on an abundence of natural resources, two oceans to protect us from Europe's insanity, and a small does of freedom after the Revolution. What are we going to do now?

I'd suggest: MYOB geopolitically speaking, a big dose of Freedom as oppose to the Serfdom we have now, and a return to an ethic of 'personal responsibility'. As both a Big L and little L libertarian, my suggestions are right out of the Libertarian playbook.

MYOB in all things but especially geopolitically. Stop mucking about the world. Democracy in Iraq that the Iraqi's problem. Nut job in Iran that's an Iranian problem. Hamas in Gaza that's an Israeli problem. Gay marriage, any Marriage ain't a Government issue. Drugs, stick anything you want in your body, but pay the costs. Government has two very minor roles: keep the peace domestically and repel foreign armies. period.

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