As most reading this will know, we affectionately refer to Evlynn as ‘our girl’ … most everyone does when referring to her.  It’s like a badge of honor, being allowed to say “she was our girl” … proud to have had the opportunity to know her.

My relationship with Ev goes way back to 1971, when I was working at NSA while in the Navy, and I had met this great guy John who was in the Air Force at the time, and also working at NSA.  We hit it off quite well, and he even helped me learn how to program in FORTRAN … which proved to be quite valuable, as I am working on 40 years now in Information Technology.  If I didn’t thank you back then buddy, I certainly do now!

But back to Ev … I found out that my new buddy John was pretty smart, because he had married Evlynn! John had invited Marge (my wife) and I to a ‘hootenanny’ (don’t ask, it was a 70’s phenomenon … and that’s a whole other story in itself!) with he and his new bride. We had both gotten married around the same time it turns out, and John wanted us to meet ‘his Evlynn’. Well we had a blast at that hootenanny, and then at several other times with John and Ev…at their apartment, and at ours … young military newlyweds with a lot in common (we liked board games and card games, except John won all the time!).  We also liked an adult beverage on occasion, and sometimes on several occasions!  [You know how those young people are.]

I could write tons about “our girl” Evy, about how caring she always was, how super generous she was, and just someone that you wanted to be around … she made you feel good.

But for this memory moment, for this time of thinking about Ev … I have decided to comment on something that John mentioned on his blog … about Ev and her basketball prowess, and how she humiliated several of his ‘macho’ buddies.

One weekend we all decided to head out to Williamsburg, VA, and we stayed at a beautiful golf resort called Kingsmill on the James (nothing but the best for us!). I think we went to Busch Gardens and then maybe to dinner one night … when we got back to the ‘condo’ it was still light out so we decided to take a walk around the resort property. Well we stumbled upon a huge building and were curious about what was inside … we peeked in and it was a full gymnasium!  Complete with basketballs laying around, and open nets waiting to be ‘swished’.  We started fooling around, shooting some shots and passing the balls around … and Ev says, “Hey Frenchy (my nickname), want to shoot a game of HORSE?”

My first reaction was to laugh … and I think I did, something like “Are you kidding?  Play HORSE against me?”  And Ev said, “Sure, why not?”

I wasn’t any superstar by the longest shot, but I played some intramural basketball in high school, and I had a pretty good shot.  I think I asked if she wanted ‘a spot’, you know…like I have to play until I get HORSE, but she only had to get to HOR to win…something like that.  I think I insulted her … because she said “NO, just shoot”, and passed me the ball.  Well the rest is a short story, I think she beat me “H” to “HORSE” … in other words she spanked me bad.  I recall asking for a rematch, since that had to be a fluke.  But then I think she shut me out the second game … HORSE to zero!

So now my new buddy’s wife, who was also fast becoming our best buddy too … had a whole new level of respect from me! Not only was she a great person, by gosh, she could play some hoops too!

I recall her husband John watching all this with a smug look on his face … he knew how it was going to turn out. Of course it wasn’t until later that I found out how good she was on her high school team, and then also played some semi-pro ball as well!

On some of our later visits to their house in NJ, we used to watch Ev coach “her girls” … at St. A’s where her teams were always sharp in their play, whether they were highly skilled or not. You could see how good a coach she was too … I think one year they only lost one game. So … you can see, “our girl” was something else … multi-talented and a good sport too, I don’t think she rubbed it in too much after my embarrassing defeat.
And it wouldn’t have been so embarrassing if I hadn’t tried to give her a spot at the beginning … that probably just made her mad.  :-)   We love you and miss you girl … just one of the many stories I could tell about Ev, as Marge and I were blessed all these years by knowing her.

Thanks for the memories Ev.

SOFTWARE: APPLE IPHOTO doesn’t allow you to …

APPLE IPHOTO doesn’t allow you to …

… easily mange the size of the Photo Library.

And, the backup function is lame. There’s no way to do a backup to an external drive except by doing individual exports.

It would have been trivial to allow it, but they didn’t.

One can only imagine that the decision to implement this way was to drive sales to Time Machine or Mobile Me. Clearly, that might be speculation. But, it fits how I see APPLE. Exploitive. The software is designed and implemented in a way that’s best for APPLE; not the User. imho

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IPHOTO is unsuitable for use on the MACBOOKAIR due to limited hard disk space and the software’s inability to compensate for that.

When one imports pictures into IPHOTO from a camera, that is the easiest time to create the external backup.

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RANT: It’s not, once again, “our” fight

No-Fly Won’t Fly Constitutionally by Ron Paul

*** begin quote ***

Last week we once again heard numerous voices calling for intervention in Libya. Most say the US should establish a “no-fly” zone over Libya, pretending that it is a benign, virtually cost-free action, and the least we could do to assist those trying to oust the Gaddafi regime. Let us be clear about one thing: for the US to establish a “no fly” zone over all or part of Libya would constitute an act of war against Libya. Establishing any kind of military presence in the sovereign territory of Libya will require committing troops to engage in combat against the Libyan air force, as well as anti-aircraft systems.

*** and ***

Even by the loose standards of the War Powers Resolution, which cedes far too much power to the president, he would have no authority to engage in hostilities because we have not been attacked – not by Gaddafi, and not by the rebels. This is not our fight. If the administration wants to make it our fight, let them make their case before Congress and put it to a vote. I would strongly oppose such a measure, but that is the proper way to proceed.

*** end quote ***

How many wars do these politicians and bureaucrats want to fight at the same time?

Bring the girls and boys home NOW!


It’s not our fight.

And shut up.

Remember the Hungarian Revolution? The USA agitated, mostly over VOA, and when the patriots rose up, “America” turned its back. They were slaughtered.

It should be the national foreign policy to keep our collective mouths shut. Any one who want to go fight in Libya, AfPak, Darfur, or where ever, let them go stick their nose in first. Any politicians and / or bureaucrats, who advocate interventionism, get to lead the charge.

That should end that “advice”.

What foreigner in their right mind would ever trust the USA?

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