FUN: Darn, I should have gone to dance class; not college!

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Dance and Courtship

Dance has been used for tens of thousands of years for men and women to select each other, to gauge each other’s worthiness as prospective mates. Dancing conveys rhythm, which translates well to the bedroom (also the cave, the hut, or the buffalo hide). If you can dance well, or even if you’re just willing to dance and enjoy yourself, you are more likely to attract positive, sexual attention. And, like it or not, sex is the backbone of human evolution.

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Categories FUN

JOBSEARCH: The “unemployed need not apply” phenomenon

Why It’s Bad Business to Hire the Long-Term Unemployed
The Obama administration has overseen the utterly preventable destruction of human capital that is arguably unprecedented in human history — and it’s their fault.
March 15, 2011 – by Tom Blumer

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If a person is already working somewhere else, they’re demonstrating that on a daily basis, not in the recent or sometimes distant past, their work habits and output are more than likely satisfactory to someone else. There’s at least a decent chance that this person has kept his or her skills sharp, and has kept up with technological and market developments in the industry. The effort involved in training such a person in their new job will often be fairly minimal. There will also be a lower likelihood that the person will flunk a background check, credit check, or their drug test.

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Does anyone really believe these government statistics? It’s like their “jobs created or saved” mantra. imho the rates were much higher. Dropping the 99 weekers is just one way they put their thumb on the scale. “You have overseen the utterly preventable destruction of human capital that is arguably unprecedented in human history — and it’s your fault.” is exactly spot on. From the massive Gooferment spending, the Obamacare overhang — who’s going to hire employees without any idea what they will cost, the regulatory blundering — gulf oil drilling permits, and on and on. Government is out of control.

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