POLITICAL: Fixing Social Security


March 9, 2011
Social Security: How to deal with your biggest problem
Posted by James Leroy Wilson

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Quote of the Day: “He who will not economize will have to agonize.” — Confucius [Kung Fu-tse] (551-479 B.C.)

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1. Phase in a gradual increase in the retirement age (Retirement Age)

2. Means-test Social Security benefits to pay less to those who have other means of support (Means-test)

3. Allow young Americans to keep some of their Social Security taxes in return for forgoing future Social Security benefits (Partial Opt-out)

4. Reduce other federal spending in order to maintain Social Security for those who depend on it, while improving the opt-out deal for young people (Budget Cuts)

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It’s going to be painful, but what else can be done?

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2 thoughts on “POLITICAL: Fixing Social Security

  1. Yes, it sucks. But, we wuz screwed. Now we have to pick up the pieces and move on. You could solve the problem by saying “Too bad. You got screwed. Dog food for you.” A more humane way would to say: “OK, it’s welfare. You have a $1M in assets. You’re screwed.” A Libertarian solution would be to: (1) Ask for volunteers to forgo their Social Security. The President should meet, hat in hand, and thank each one personally. THat’s should keep him from starting more wars, off the golf course, and humble him into saving the country. (2) Implement a Chile like solution — under 40, you’re on your own; under 65, you get an annuity; over 65, you get the current plan. Then, we start selling off Gooferment property to pay for it. (3) We impanel Grand Juries to go after all the crooks. Not to put them in jail; the meme isn’t punishment. It’s restitution. :-) Better?


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