YAHOO ANSWER: inet ads for free


inet ads for free


Asked by “btenderlisa2”

Where is the best place to advertise on the internet for free?

We are a small business with a very low advertising budget. We want to get our name out there but are unsure what’s the best way to advertise with little or no cost upfront.


Dear “btenderlisa2”:

With a near zero budget, you have to be tricky. You didn’t say what you business does. That might make it a little hard to answer. If you’re selling pencils, then you’ll need a different strategy than if you are remarketing one of the various enlargement crèmes my dearest friends from Nigeria are always telling me about.

Let assume that that your business offers a legal product or service that just needs a little “voice” in the crowded marketplace. How do you get that “voice” at a price you can afford?

I’m going to refer back to one of my Yahoo Best Answers that I gave to the “party purse” lady who had a similar question.

You can create a blog as your website and talk about your business.

In a nutshell, you find an available domain that aligns to your business, go to the wordpressdotcom free blog site, get a free blog, for 15$US you upgrade to your own domain, and you start to write about your business. I’d suggest that you write both about your products and or services, as well as the “behind the scenes” tales about your business. What problems you face, how you solve them, the successes, AND the failures. You have to be “authentic” to develop an audience. Once you have an audience, you get a conversation going. Then come sales and buzz.

All for some sweat and 15$US.

Hope this helps. I’m interested how it works out for you. Drop me a note sometime. My blog may have helpful “stuff”.

Ferdinand J. Reinke
Kendall Park, NJ 08824


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Update: Was never able to get this in. Yahoo kept 999-ing out. No matter what I did!

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