RANT: Just don’t buy anything with an EULA


June 19, 2007
Arbitrary Sneakwrap Takes Some Hits
Ed Foster

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In the end, the main thing these two cases really have in common is the recognition by the judges that sneakwrap licenses in general and mandatory arbitration clauses specifically give the vendor too much power over the customer. We’d all like to think the free market can keep customers from being abused, but it can’t if the only recourse abused customers have is to engage in long, expensive, and secret arbitration procedures. I don’t know if Bragg or Sheehan deserve to win their cases, but I do know that they deserve their day in court.

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Time for some “rough justice” a la the The People’s Court.

I won’t buy anything with an EULA. That’s going to put a dent in their pockets.

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