JOBSEARCH: winning the Don Rickles Award for advanced interpersonal skills

(for the education of all those who are complacently “in”)

> I’m sure you’ll correct me if I’m wrong

Got that right! We are making progress.

>You have multiple degrees

Don’t forget the innumerable jobs, firings, and transitions from when comes what DIKW I do have. Expensively acquired.

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>I’m completely unimpressed by external measures of you or any other man. I take my own measure …

You might save yourself some time and expose more opptys if you would …

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>obviously a bright guy who has an extraordinarily high opinion of himself
>and is not the least self-conscious
>about letting others know how very important all that stuff should be TO >THEM.

Actually I am an ITSJ, that you don’t believe in, who’s compensating. ;-)

>tone of your correspondence has changed (for the better)

Sorry about that I’ll have to dial it back up. You need it; not a “reduced wimpy” coaching style.

>you didn’t win the Don Rickles Award for advanced interpersonal skills
> by being a wuss.

No, it was Howard Cossell.


USP? Target list of ISPs, 2 cover letters, two resumes, and a plan.


See I am “focused” on getting you employed and out of my turkey farm”. I think slot #5 is going to be filled today by an expat coming back to the US as an “out”. And, I have to push harder to get you employed so I can free up the slot for some one who will appreciate my fine qualities better. I hate to wait list people, but five turkeys at a time is my max. I do have a real job, a hobby, and my own projects.


There went my lunch half hour!


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