INTERESTING: ‘Mr. Wizard’ taught science to young baby boomers,0,7656221.story

Don Herbert, 89; TV’s ‘Mr. Wizard’ taught science to young baby boomers
By Dennis McLellan, Times Staff Writer
June 13, 2007

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Don Herbert, who explained the wonderful world of science to millions of young baby boomers on television in the 1950s and ’60s as “Mr. Wizard” and did the same for another generation of youngsters on the Nickelodeon cable TV channel in the 1980s, died Tuesday. He was 89.

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I will never forget seeing him collapse a gas can demonstrating air pressure. I just sat there and said “No way”. So I went and did it. From that I concluded there was a lot I didn’t know. (Earth shaking to supposedly bright kid; everyone said so. Just coasting along.) I became fascinate with physics. And, an injineer was born.

Thanks, Mr. Wizard.

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2 thoughts on “INTERESTING: ‘Mr. Wizard’ taught science to young baby boomers

  1. I know it was ‘only a show’, but it was more than that. I think every science teacher in those days was grateful for Mr. Wizard inspiring all those young minds. I don’t think I ever missed a show…as I recall it was mixed in between Saturday morning cartoons (at least where I lived in NY State). And John, I think I tried that experiment too, but I think mine backfired….that’s why I only made it to ‘systems’ engineer! Good thoughts on your blog, nice to recognize him for his contributions.


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