JOBSEARCH:METHODOLOGY your resume may allow id theft

METHODOLOGY your resume may allow id theft

Job Offer or Identity-Theft Scam?
By Anne Fisher

It seemed a terrific opportunity. Laid off from a senior marketing job, Tom (not his real name), an MBA with 22 years’ experience, spent several months look-ing for a new position. Then he got a phone call from someone who said he was the human resources director of a large, well-known insurance company. The HR guy said he was impressed with the résumé Tom had posted on a popular Internet job site and was eager to meet as soon as possible, since Tom was the ideal candidate for a new marketing job the company was creating.

Just one tiny detail: “He told me that since they were anxious to fill the position quickly, they wanted to save some time by starting a routine background check right away,” Tom says.

“He e-mailed me a very detailed form to complete and return.” Tom complied, filling in the blanks for Social Security number, date of birth, mother’s maiden name, even a bank account number. After a few days of vainly trying to get back in touch with the HR director, Tom began to feel uneasy. Then he tried to use one of his credit cards and discovered that not only was the account maxed out, but several new accounts had been opened in his name and squeezed dry. His identity had been stolen, and it has taken him almost a year to straighten out the mess—all the while kicking himself for having fallen for the scam.

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Seekers beware. Not everyone seeking to scam you is from Nigeria!

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