TECH SERVICE: An email address that is “yours”


>I’ve thought about getting a domain, but when I asked one of my “gurus” about it,
> I discovered there was more to it than I realized, and I haven’t finished off the
> research yet. (Be on the lookout for non-ingineer questions.)

That might have been true a while ago, but now it’s drop dead easy. And, cheap.

I can walk you through either of two methods.

Method Number One is “more professional”, gives you future flexibility (it’s really a web site package), and costs about 50$ a year from my WSP. (I use a version of that package on steroids — 240$/year — for my consulting sites; Jasper Jottings rides on the coat tails of that.) Note: you can get just the email for ~14$/year, but that limits you to just email.

Method Number Two is more limited as far as future flexibility, depends upon the “generosity” of WordPress and Google (I use that for my blog reinkefaceslife), and costs about $15/year.

Either way, your email is yours and private. Even if you use the web interface for work, it’s accessed by https and as such it is encrypted from anyone’s prying eyes.

As you see below, you can have [his name] dot com.

Hope this helps,
yell if you need more,

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