RANT: Yes, by all means, preserve the ”dignity and decorum” of the House


Pelosi says no to C-SPAN request on floor proceedings
Associated Press
Article Launched: 12/22/2006 04:38:28 PM MST

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WASHINGTON — Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi cited the need to preserve the ”dignity and decorum” of the House as she rejected a request Friday that C-SPAN operate its own cameras in covering the chamber.

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Yea, we wouldn’t want to see the bozos oggling the young girls and boys. Or, sell themselves like the whores they are. And, that is really insulting all the whores out there. No politicians make used car salesmen look like the paragons of honesty.

This is a joke!

The serfs have no right to see their “elected” representatives in action!

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