PRODUCTIVITY: the book The Virtual Handshake is available


with a great tip on a pdf book!

Reintroduction and “The Virtual Handshake”
Posted by: “John-Patrick Skaar”
Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:47 pm (PST)

I think it is time to reintroduce myself again to my fellow Innovator’s. Since I haven’t been too active lately I see this as the best way to make
sure that you all know that I am still around.

I am John-Patrick Skaar, resident in Oslo, Norway. I have a small family and work as BD for IT security vendors (mainly Israeli and American) and do have several other projects hanging around that keep me busy.

I am a strong believer in networking, and arrange several “LinkedIn and virtual networking” workshops for sales organizations and recruiters. I
believe that nothing comes into a closed hand, and in order to take, you have to give.

Anyways, I just found out that the book “The Virtual Handshake” is available as a free download from

I am open to expand my already very strong network, and mainly within the Nordic region, within the IT security industry or relevant recruiters.
Others are also welcome, but please use a non standard invitation.

My email address is <To prevent spam, get it from the group.>

Have a GREAT day around the world!


Senior Business Developer – Nordic region


§ “The best way to predict the future is to invent it”
[Alan Kay <> ’71] §

TECHNOLOGY: Microsoft says “Don’t wait to buy a new PC”


Don’t wait to buy a new PC

***Begin Quote***

There’s no need to wait to buy a new PC this holiday season. When you buy a Windows Vista Capable or Premium Ready PC, you can be confident that it will run Windows Vista. When you shop, just follow these tips:

Look for a PC with the “Windows Vista Capable PC” logo.

For an even better Windows Vista experience, including the breakthrough Windows Aero user experience, ask for a Windows Vista Capable PC that is also “Premium Ready.”

Be sure to ask your retailer about an Express Upgrade to Windows Vista.

***End Quote***

No need to wait indeed.

Nothing like a self-serving email from the evil empire.

I’m filing this under “ewe gotta be kidding”.

While I may be forced at work to move to Vista, and I’m not so sure that the penny pinchers there aren’t going to have sticker shock at the true TCO of Vista, I personally am not upgrading.

I have not yet identified an requirement that would induce me to move. If anything, the onslaught of the Web 2.0 services is challenging the whole paradigm.

Hmmm! What will you do?