MONEY: Henry Hackel’s “box of money” or my mythical pirate’s chest

The Box of Money
By Eric Fry

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02/21/11 Laguna Beach, California – The most persuasive arguments for buying gold do not reside in musty old economics textbooks or in the minutes of the latest FOMC meeting…They reside in Henry Hackel’s “box of money.”

Henry, as faithful Rude Awakening readers will recall, is the president of R.F. Lafferty, a broker-dealer specializing in options trading and resource stocks. In his 26th floor corner office overlooking the Hudson River sits a non-descript cardboard box – a simple shoebox that contains a powerful message: Buy gold.

“Hey Eric, have you ever seen my box of money?” Henry asked one day, wearing an impish grin.

“Um…no,” your editor replied. “I think I would have remembered that.”

“You gotta see this… C’mon, follow me,” said Henry, as he grabbed the box and marched toward the conference room. After seating ourselves at the conference table, Henry slung the box across the table like a bartender slinging draft beers and said, “Take a look.”

Your editor peeled back the lid, peered into the box and saw money – lots and lots of money…but all of it worthless. There were rubles from pre-Soviet Russia, 50 million-mark bills from the Weimar Republic period in Germany, pesos from the 1950s government of Cuba’s Battista regime, and even a few extinct Brazilian cruzeiros.

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Another version of my pirates’ chest. “Open that pirate’s chest and what do you want to see: greenbacks, Confederate currency, or gold coins?”

I think that says it all!

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Read more: The Box of Money

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