RANT: Just heard Huckabee on TV

The Huckster says R’s shouldn’t waste time on Obama’s birth certificate because “if there was any hard evidence Hillary would have found it”.

Sorry but what is being hidden?

I don’t agree with him. Where there’s smoke there is fire.

The Birgitta have raised a plausible and credible claim. Congress held hearings on McCain’s eligibility; why not Obama’s?

Was a deal struck between the D’s and the R’s?

As Judge Judy says about “notarized tongues”, I don’t trust any of them. Maybe Ron Paul, but none of the others.

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3 thoughts on “RANT: Just heard Huckabee on TV

  1. Obama wants to keep the birthers in play. He likes the accusations flying around. I agree he may be hiding something the same way a magician hides something. At the right moment he produces the documents and all the frothing birthers look like crazy people and he says to the public, “See, do you want these people in charge of your government, or do you want me? These guys are all crazy and have been chasing their tails on this nonsense for four years.” He smiles and shakes his head, and gets re-elected.

    By making the Lewinsky story “all about sex,” rather than about the chief law enforcement officer in the country lying under oath to a federal judge to prevent a woman from having her day in court, Clinton waltzed back into a second term, because of all those sex obsessesed right wingers.


  2. No, I respectfully disagree. It’s not that I have a tin foil hat and think this is a “conspiracy theory” where fraudulent birth announcements were placed decades ago.

    I do think that there is a conspiracy to conceal SOMETHING.

    I don’t know what exactly it is. But I do know that stonewalling makes me more positive that there is something being hidden. Why hide all the records? Did Obama use Indonesian citizenship to register for school there or here in the USA to get favorable treatment. Why hide school paperwork?

    Even if there was a rigorous examination of the Hawaii records and there was a conclusion that the records are gone, that would be a conclusion. He may well be UNABLE to prove he was born in Hawaii. But, that’s not what this is all about.

    There’s something being hidden and it HAS to come out. Painful, embarrassing, criminal, fraudulent? Yhere is something there. A grain of truth!


  3. Obama could kill this in a minute if he wanted to by producing the records or allowing them to be released. He doesn’t want to because by keeping the “birthers” around he can paint conservatives as a bunch of loons. Two Honolulu newspapers carried his birth announcement. It would have been quite a conspiracy theory that on the day he was born, knowing he would one day be president, his handlers conveniently placed two bogus ads in the newspapers to establish his citizenship. Its time to let this die.


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