RANT: Gooferment abuses its power


http://www.loweringthebar.net/2011/02/immigration-officer-puts-wife-on-the-no-fly-list.html or http://tinyurl.com/4qghpxg



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A UK immigration officer decided to get rid of his wife by putting her on the no-fly list, ensuring that she could not return to the UK from abroad. This worked for three years, until he put in for a promotion and — during the routine background check — someone investigated why his wife was on the no-fly list.

Okay, so he’s an idiot. And a bastard. But the real piece of news here is how easy it is for a UK immigration officer to put someone on the no-fly list with *absolutely no evidence* that that person belongs there. And how little auditing is done on that list. Once someone is on, they’re on for good.

That’s simply no way to run a free country.

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Gooferment just does stuff. No appeal. No checking. No oversight.

There’s a reason that the judicial systems requires a battle of adversaries to determine the truth.

Where’s the “Appeal to God” when you need it? You know like in the movie “Ivanhoe”.

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