GUNS: RKBA is not up for debate

Many Gun Owners, the State and Media Agree; 2a Is No Longer Relevant
by Michael Gaddy

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When I decided to write this article, I did not contact the government, submit to a background check, submit fingerprints, take a government endorsed writing class and pay for permission. What is the difference in the exercise of my inalienable right to free speech and my inalienable right to keep and bear arms? The difference is: the state currently fears my ability to resist tyranny with a firearm more than with words, but as we can see from the reaction of the government and its media lackeys to the spoken objections to the tyranny of socialized medicine, that is about to change.

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Luckily, rights are not up for “agreement”. They are “inalienable”.

From my cold dead hand!

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