RANT: ROADS; no longer the third rail


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I drove in upstate with a friend of mine whose a libertarian. We saw all the road constructions (quite annoying to be honest) and he stated it’s unfair he needs to pay for any construction to the roads in an area he never drives in. I had no good answer. Thoughts?

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OK, he’s absolutely correct. THe gooferment one size fits all requires us to pay for stuff we will never ever use. It’s the only entity, with its monopoly on initiation of force, which can require us to pay for what we don’t need, don’t want, can’t use, and a absurdly high price. Roads are the third rail of Libertarian philosophy. Because the sheeple can’t conceive of roads being “done” by anything other than the government. Walt Disney, private home owner associations, and private roads all exist in the “real world”. There needs to be a revolution in our memes. How about selling the interstate to WalMart and UPS? Think they would have construction delaying their paying customers? ROFL! SO why ask me? You know I am a raving little Llibertarian!  

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You expected me to say something different?

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