TECHNOLOGY: “Great Courses” puts a nail in the over-priced University education

Great Courses, Great Profits
A teaching company gives the public what the academy no longer supplies: a curriculum in the monuments of human thought.

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The canon of great literature, philosophy, and art is thriving—in the marketplace, if not on college campuses. For the last 20 years, a company called the Great Courses has been selling recorded lectures in the humanities and sciences to an adult audience eager to brush up its Shakespeare and its quantum mechanics. The company produces only what its market research shows that customers want. And that, it turns out, is a curriculum in the monuments of human thought, taught without the politically correct superiority and self-indulgent theory common in today’s colleges.

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Here’s a way to get wisdom.

<<Remember I’m a practicioner of dikw (i.e., data, information, knowledge, wisdom). Where “data” is the elemental atom of the paradigm. “Information” is data in context. “Knowledge” is actionable information. “Wisdom” is knowing the implications of knowledge. Nice to know where the world’s edge is!>>

It’s a shame that we waste children’s most productive ages for learning (imho 6-26) by follow an obsolete meme (i.e, Gooferment Skrules).


We need to challenge the children by supplementing their education.

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