TECHNOLOGY: Plane boarding made better

31 August 2011 Last updated at 04:44 ET
Tests show fastest way to board passenger planes
By Jason Palmer
Science and technology reporter, BBC News

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The most common way of boarding passenger planes is among the least efficient, tests have shown.

The best method has been the subject of study for years but now various approaches have been put to the test.

Boarding those in window seats first followed by middle and aisle seats results in a 40% gain in efficiency.

However, an approach called the Steffen method, alternating rows in the window-middle-aisle strategy, nearly doubles boarding speed.

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Not likely that the airlines will change.

And, “We, The Sheeple” will not comply.

I still like my idea of treating people like cargo. Load the plane like the cargo pod. In “long coffins”! Slide the pod on and off the plan.

In the old days, luggage was handled by hand. Now cargo goes in pods.

Why not people?

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