GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Parents are too stupid to feed their children?

Parents Aren’t Safe
Posted by Karen De Coster on August 30, 2011 05:12 AM

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Here’s another way for the government-media safety parade propaganda machine to sell folks on the dangers of biological parents and the “safety” of our government parents: thanks to parental negligence, kids bring “unsafe” lunches to school that are ripe for bacteria. As usual, researchers study something – anything – that is insignificant and turn the non-issue into a major safety issue to be chatted about endlessly by the gullible media halfwits. And this news leads to a media storm and suggestions for treating your kid’s lunch like an organ being shipped off for transplant.

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I just shake my head. It’s a miracle that the human race can survive without “our betters in Gooferment” telling us how to feed children.

Maybe if “We, The Sheeple” didn’t mandate sending them to prison, then they could be safely fed at home while they are being home schooled. And, parents, who choose to send their children to school elsewhere than home, would take care of the issue of safe food.

Maybe there should be no food in school? Didn’t the media just tell us that the kids are too fat?

# – # – # – # – # 2011-Aug-30 @ 11:22

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