MONEY: We tend to define our lives by the big events

Understanding the Seven Habits of Wealth
Wednesday, 24th October 2007 (by J.D.)

This is a guest post from Dough Roller, a Washington D.C. blogger who writes about building wealth, one dollar at a time.

***Begin Quote***

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. — Aristotle

We tend to define our lives by the big events: graduation, marriage, children, a big promotion, retirement. What often gets neglected are the little things we do every day, the little things that make the big events possible. As Aristotle said, it’s what we “repeatedly do” that produces excellence. When it comes to money and wealth, what do you repeatedly do?


Hard Work
Modest Living

***End Quote***

I remember, but didn’t “learn” until much later, that “small leaks sink big ships”.

Singularly, I have demonstrated “big leaks sing ships quickly”. It’s my personal objective to plug all my “big leaks” before I “sop earning and start burning”.

I have to get organized!


Maybe that’s the “eighth” idea. Organization. You have to be organized to succeed?

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