TECHNOLOGY: E-books are “interesting”

E-Book prices fuel outrage — and innovation
by Narasu Rebbapragada, PCWorld May 30, 2011 9:00 am

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The evolution to digital will differ by publisher. Hachette’s Thomas anticipates, “Some print runs will decline, some will expand, and new readers (who were not previously regular physical book buyers) will enter the market because of the digital revolution.”

And only time will tell where in the pricing spectrum—from best-selling $25-plus hardbacks at one end to 99-cent music downloads at the other—e-book prices will settle. Some argue that there’s no incentive for publishers to cut prices. Despite the public protests, people are buying e-books in droves. Others point to the inevitable downward trend of digital content prices.

“It’s still a little bit like the Wild West out there,” says Brian Felsen of the current digital publishing landscape. But who lassos whom—publisher, retailer, or self-made author—remains to be seen.

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Clearly, the inet is crashing existing business models.

If marketing is a “conversation”, then the model has to profit off that “conversation”. That’s what is important developing that community. Monetizing it is secondary.

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