TECHNOLOGY: Cloud computing held hostage to politics

Flickr v. Free Speech. Where Is The Courage?
by Michael Arrington on August 21, 2009

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Flickr really stepped in it this time. And they’ve sparked a free speech and copyright fascism debate that is unlikely to cool down any time soon.

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People are angry over the takedown. There are lots of pictures mocking President Bush on a Time Magazine cover on Flickr that haven’t been removed. And of the Heath Ledger Joker character.

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The “big government socialists” — regardless of party — hide their prejudices in law. We can’t trust “big business”; any more than we can trust “big gooferment”. They are in a symbiotic relationship. Both are big parasites on the poor serf just trying to make a life. Business serves us; companies I’m not so sure of. When they get big or when their liability is limited, that’s when the trouble begins.

Expecting free speech isn’t in their vocabulary.

Cloud computing gives “them” power over content.

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