SURVIVAL: Leave it all behind

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Leave It All Behind: Anything you brought on board can be replaced, with the exception of yourself — if you take the time to fumble for that laptop or grab that purse, you may lose everything.

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Seems obvious.

Personally, if I was “king”, I’d use the TSA to enforce the “carry on luggage” standards. Everyone hates them anyway. Make security the villain. I can’t believe what people bring into the cabin to avoid “baggage claim”. If I was an airline executive, I’d focus on making that process flawless.

(I always thought that the passengers and cargo should be “containerized”. Load the “passenger container” at the gate and then slide it into the belly of the plane. I had visions of a Quonset shaped sleeve for the people and an upside down one for the cargo. Two symmetrical half circles. Watch how fast FedEx can load one of their big monsters. Southwest Airline with their no reserved seats. We need innovation in air travel.)

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