POTUS08: Socialism Katrina-style from the “compassionate conservative”!


Friday, October 31, 2008
Your Tax Dollars at Work (Katrina Recovery Edition)

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This one will make your blood boil.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the government providing temporary housing for thousands of storm victims. Some wound up in those infamous FEMA trailers; others found loding in hotels and motels along the coast.

More than three years later, some of those left homeless by the disaster are still living in hotels–on the taxpayer’s dime–and show little interest in leaving their comfortable accommodations.

Andrea Ramey, a reporter for WPMI-TV, the NBC affiliate in Mobile, Alabama, has been investigating these “extended stays”– which also come with free meals. Here’s a portion of what she discovered:

It’s been three years since Katrina and the relief is still flowing, with hundreds of families in Mississippi receiving all the necessities of life, all on your dime. We wanted to know how long the government intended to pay for this public assistance. So five months ago, we began to investigate at the Quality Inn in Biloxi. It’s at that hotel where three years later, victims of Hurricane Katrina still receive free housing and three meals a day, giving some little motivation to get back on their feet.

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This is what’s wrong with socialism. I don’t care if it is Republican “compassionate conservatism” or Democratic “helping hand up”. Both imprision people by trapping them into complacency and lethargy.
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