JOBSEARCH: the label that you apply to yourself is delivered by your subconscious!


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Well first I object to the self-characterization of “underachieving kid”. I don’t let people talk that way. It might be appropriate for some situations, (can’t think of one off the top of my head), but certainly not in the area of “career search”. Finding out what the best use of your talents is, at best, a game of “blind man discovers elephants”. No one can tell you what your particular elephant looks like or what the “best” use of your particular “elephant” is. Some are pretty easy to rule out: “NBA basketball star”, “Brain Surgeon”, “Concert Pianist”. Some are hard, because you don’t find out, until way down the road the you were meant to be a “greeter at walmart”. So, don’t even think of the word “under achieving”. It’s implies that some one knows that you are too lazy, too dumb, or too insensitive to come in out of the rain. Maybe the Intelligent Designer knows, but no one other that you knows that.

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Some one of the self-help gurus (Tony Robbins?) always warned about the label that you apply to yourself. Even if no one else is there, your subconscious takes that in and delivers it.

OK so here goes: “I am thin, young, and handsome”! (Said out loud with great confidence.)

Did it work?


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