NEWJERSEY: The Guv’s going to the pawn shop …:

Corzine’s Monetization Scheme Still Not Ready
Thursday, September 27, 2007 – Millennium Radio

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Cynics claim that Governor Jon Corzine is intentionally delaying the unveiling of his state asset monetization plan until after November’s elections because polls show voters oppose the very concept. Generating cash for the state by monetizing the toll roads has been the most critiqued possibility and surveys reveal voters fear huge toll increases. Those same cynics say by withholding the scheme, Corzine is protecting his fellow Democrats from backlash at the polls. Corzine says the plan simply isn’t ready yet.

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The Guv is going to the pawn shop with NJ taxpayer’s assets. And, he’s going to do it immediately after the election.

Any one who votes for a Democrat is a fool.

Not that the Republicans are any different, just that it will put a sharp slap up to the side of their head.

After the election, the roads paid for will be sold to the Guv’s friends on Wall Street by the Guv’s friends on Wall Street. The money will go down the Trenton rat hole.

What a joke!

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