GOVEROTRAGEOUS: The “(pseudo) War on (some) Drugs” is not legitimate

Beware of the $2 Drug Test that Could Cost You Everything
By Laurence M. Vance
July 26, 2016

*** begin quote ***

Since it is neither constitutional nor a legitimate purpose of the U.S. government to prohibit, regulate, restrict, license, limit, or otherwise control what any adult American wants to smoke, snort, sniff, inject, or swallow, it follows, as the night the day, that there should be no laws whatsoever concerning the buying, selling, possessing, using, or processing of cocaine in any form for any reason—or any other any drug for that matter.

*** end quote ***

Why did we need a Constitutional Amendment to prohibit alcohol, but not to prohibit “drugs”?

It’s a simple question.


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TINFOILHAT: Was Amelia Earhart killed by the Japanese for spying?

Amelia Earhart   

Real Name: Amelia Earhart
Case: Disappearance
Date: July 2, 1937
Location: Howland Island

*** begin quote ***

In October 2014, the piece of aluminum mentioned above, was shown, by precision photographic processes, with accuracy comparable to a finger print, to be that object mentioned. If this is correct, it changes the list of possible sources of Amelia’s disappearance and would totally eliminate the crash and sink theory. It would also disprove the “crashed in the Marshall Islands” theory. It would prove that the Koshu was on Nikumaroro for a while, but was then taken to Jaluit Island with Amelia and Fred on board, and with the Electra attached to Its stern. That is why the search planes never saw them or the plane. They did see “some kind of markers”, probably supports, used to load the Electra. At Jaluit Fred was treated by Bilamon Amaron. They were then, starting on July19, taken to Saipan and locked in, Garapan jail as spies. They did not crash in the Marshalls but were taken there, arriving at Jaluit Island Navy base on July 13, ten days after they went missing. They were never in “two places at the same time!” a statement which had been used to claim that all of the numerous incidents about Amelia in the Marshall Islands and Saipan were false. This information was referenced in “Earhart and Noonan: the Missing Link” by Duane Hamblin.

*** end quote ***


Was this “covered up” by both the Japanese and US Gooferments?

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ECONOMICS: What will trigger an “Economic Depression”?

America Needs a Good, Old-Fashioned Economic Depression
By Jay Zawatsky The National Interest
July 25, 2016

*** begin quote ***

Yes, central bankers can print currency units, but not food, energy or other commodities necessary for sustaining life. As basic commodities become more scarce or are priced out of the reach of average folks, wars, riots, rebellions, diseases and repressive governments will result. All of this human suffering will be the progeny of ZIRP, QE, and NIRP, which in turn are the progeny of the replacement of the gold standard by the Ph.D. standard.

*** end quote ***

If we stipulate that this is good “economic medicine” and central banks have no incentive to stop “printing currency units”, then what is the trigger for a depression? Or what is the recognition factor that wakes up “We, The Sheeple” to the reality of one big ugly “economic” chicken coming home to roost.

In Venezuela, it had to be the unavailability of toilet paper at any price.

What will it be here in the USA? 

Since “printing the currency units” will lead to inflation, it’s important to hide that fact from “We, The Sheeple”.

But sooner of later, the inputs to production will be bid up and that has to be reflect in the price to the end consumer. At some point, the outputs can not be produced for a profit and compensate for the risk involved.

So when the shelfs begin to be missing “stuff”, that’s the trigger.

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TINFOILHAT: MH370 pilot practiced flying suicide mission?

MH370 pilot ‘practised flying suicide mission on flight simulator weeks before the airliner disappeared on same route’ (So why are we just hearing about it?)

  • MH370 vanished during a flight to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur back in 2014 
  • Pilot Zaharie Shah practised crashing into the Indian Ocean on a simulator
  • The simulated route was similar to the one the plane took before vanishing 
  • Officials admit that the likelihood of recovering the doomed plane is fading

PUBLISHED: 19:02 EST, 22 July 2016 | UPDATED: 08:41 EST, 23 July 2016

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Wow, this is a factoid that should have come out sooner. Wasn’t the flight simulator monitored? Pretty strange behavior.

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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: The FBI Declared Mass Killer Mateen “NOT” a Terrorist


*** begin quote ***

The FBI Declared Mass Killer Mateen “NOT” a Terrorist

This week we released previously undisclosed documents from the St. Lucie, Florida, Sheriff’s Department revealing that the FBI informed the sheriff’s office in late 2013 that Omar Mateen, who killed 49 people in a nightclub in Orlando, was “NOT” a terrorist and was no threat to “go postal.”  [Emphasis in original]  Remember this the next time you hear the media or a DC politician heap praise on the supposed expertise of the FBI.

*** end quote ***

Guess they were wrong about about that!

What other mistakes have they made?


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MONEY: States have to protect us against Currency Debasement, but will they?

Four Ways States Can Take on the Federal Reserve

*** begin quote ***

There are practical steps that can be taken at the state level to promote the use and acceptance of sound money and undermine the Fed’s monopoly on money.

Control the money and you control the people.

The federal government has done just that in the Unites States.

*** and ***

1. States Have the Ability to Defend Sound Money

2. Recognizing Gold and Silver as Legal Tender

3. Eliminating Sales Taxes and Capital Gains Taxes on the Exchange of Money

4. Establishing State Depositories and Money Exchange Systems outside the Clutches of Federal Bureaucrats

5. Enforcing Private “Gold Clause” Contracts to Protect against Currency Debasement

*** end quote ***

Now where do we find State politicians and bureaucrats that will fight for freedom and liberty?

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MONEY: Fed-exit — secession from central banking

Don’t Reform the Fed: Exit the Fed
Ron Paul

*** begin quote ***

Opponents of a central bank should take advantage of the post-Brexit vote revival of secessionist sentiments to promote a secession from central banking, or “Fed-exit.” Ending the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on money is the key to restoring and maintaining our liberty and prosperity.

By manipulating the money supply to fix interest rates, the Federal Reserve engages in price fixing. After all, interest rates are nothing more than the price of money. Like all prices, they communicate information about economic conditions to market actors. Federal Reserve attempts to override the market rate of interest with a Fed-favored rate distort the price signals sent to businesses, investors, and consumers. The result of this distortion is a Fed-created boom, followed by a Fed-created bust.

The Fed’s action affects the entire economy and impacts the lives of all Americans, as well as of people around the world. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that the attempt to fix interest rates is the most harmful example of price fixing.

*** end quote ***

Clearly, having “honest money” — 

“Money is a matter of functions four, a medium, a measure, a standard, a store.” He repeated that four times like poetry. “Six Characters in Money: Portable – Durable – Divisible – Uniformity – Limited Supply – Acceptability.” — CHURCH 10●19●62 (Vol 1) 978-0-557-08387-9 page 110

   — is key to returning to freedom and liberty.

How can you keep score, store wealth for the future, or just know where you are financially.

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GLOBAL: Turkey is lost to Islamo fascist terrorists

In From the Cold
Random thoughts on almost anything and everything, with an emphasis on defense, intelligence, politics and national security matters..providing insight for the non-cleared world since 2005.

Monday, July 18, 2016
Ataturk’s Last Stand (Today’s Reading Assignment)

*** begin quote ***

If you read just two articles this week, may we suggest this opinion piece from Fox News strategic analyst Ralph Peters, and the latest column from former NSA senior spook John Schindler?  Both offer important insight into the failed “coup” in Turkey, and what it means for Ankara and the West.

While we’ve had minor differences with Lt Col Peters in the past, his analysis of the abortive military revolt in Turkey is spot-on.  When the coup fizzled on the streets of Istanbul and other major Turkish cities, so did Ataturk’s lasting vision of a modern, secular state firmly oriented towards Europe and western values.  As Peters writes: Friday night’s failed coup was Turkey’s last hope to stop the Islamization of its government and the degradation of its society.  Reflexively, Western leaders rushed to condemn a coup attempt they refused to understand. Their reward will be a toxic Islamist regime at the gates of Europe.

*** end quote ***

Sorry to say, but another domino has fallen.

Hopefully Trump will follow thru and end NATO. That would force Turkey to stand on its own. And the USA’s foreign policy to pull back from the Global adventurism and perpetual war we find ourselves in.

One can only hope that the world survives this new “Dark Age”!


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INTERESTING: Walter E. Williams proposes a thought experiment

Challenges for Black People: Part II
By Walter E. Williams
July 20, 2016

*** begin quote ***

Here’s an experiment. Meet with black people such as Reps. John Conyers (age 87), Charles Rangel (86), Eddie Bernice Johnson (80), Alcee Hastings (79) and Maxine Waters (77). Ask them whether their parents would have tolerated their assaulting and cursing teachers or any other adult. I bet you the rent money that their parents — or any other parents they knew when they were growing up — would not have accepted the grossly disrespectful behavior seen today among many black youngsters, using foul language and racial epithets. Older blacks will tell you that had they behaved that way, they would have felt serious pain in their hind parts. If blacks of past generations would not accept such self-destructive behavior, why should today’s blacks accept it?

*** end quote ***

Pretty easy to know what the parents of yesteryear would or would not tolerate.

The problem is the socialism of the “Secular Progressive” movement.

Welfare destroys communities and the incentive to do better.

We, as a society, can not afford the lost human creativity.

With almost a third of the population not working, the current “boom” is doomed!

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CLOUD: Backup your work ALWAYS

Google takes down man’s blog, erasing 14 years of work
By Michael Harthorne  Published July 19, 2016  Newser

*** begin quote ***

An acclaimed artist says he lost 14 years of work when Google took down his blog last month.

Artist Dennis Cooper made a horrifying discovery June 27: His 14-year-old blog—the sole home of his experimental writing, research, photographs, and more—was gone, Art Forum reports.

*** end quote ***

Backup, backup, backup.

“Two is one; one is none.” (Old military preparedness adage.)

There really is no excuse for getting caught short like this.

Take this as your OFFICIAL warning.

(Despite the illusion, only BAD stuff stays on the inet forever!)

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Was it done to stick one in the eye of the ordinary viewer who looks at the hijab as a sign of the slavery of Muslim women by a male- dominated and clearly violent religion?

RANT: Required DNA testing

After hearing so many “false father” claims, I think that Courts should REQUIRE DNA proof of parenthood before ordering child support. After all isn’t that the “best evidence” available. DNA parental testing is available in any drugstore for about 100$. And, all we have for a “birth certificate” is the memorialization of what two people think is the truth. Need real evidence before society places a lifetime burden on men. (A woman physically having the baby is prima facie evidence, but look how many switched at birth case we heard about.

So mandatory DNA testing for all hearings about children!

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GOVERNACIDE: The Gooferment kills its citizens!

Top 10 Little-Known Facts About Alcohol

*** begin quote ***

1. The Federal Poisoning Plan

Between December 25 and 27, 1926, the city of New York saw 31 alcohol-related deaths and countless others desperately ill. What was originally speculated as your typical alcohol poisoning turned out to be far more disturbing given that the deaths were courtesy of the US government.

When Prohibition took effect in 1920, law enforcement began denaturing industrial alcohol by adding toxic chemicals. This plan was conducted with the hopes of deterring people from re-purifying the liquid so that it could be consumed. As time passed and the speakeasies and underground bars flourished, the anti-drinking forces in the government developed a new denaturing process that would make industrial-grade alcohol twice as poisonous.

TIME magazine noted in a 1927 article that three ordinary drinks of this concoction created by the government would cause blindness. Government officials stated that the individuals who consumed the alcohol did it under their own free will, and the act was therefore nothing short of a deliberate suicide. The government insisted that they held no responsibility. Prohibition came to an end five years later, and by that time, the actions of the United States government had claimed the lives of at least 10,000 people.

*** end quote ***

Why do we trust the Government in any way?

They should be disbelieved on principle.

They should be kept barefoot, weak, and starved for resources.

They should be restricted to their proper role (i.e., nightwatchman; referee; minimalistic powers).


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Top 10 Little-Known Facts About Alcohol
ADAM R. RAMOS JULY 15, 2016 

*** begin quote ***

The drinking age in the United States has varied between 18 to its current state of 21. Such an age would be absurd in 10 percent of the world, given that a total of 19 countries have no minimum drinking age at all, such as Sierra Leone and Cambodia. Fortunately, Antigua, Barbuda, and the Central African Republic are a little stricter when it comes to alcohol consumption—their minimum drinking ages are between 10 and 15 years old.

However, no laws are more stringent than the 16 countries where alcohol is illegal to consume at any age, such as Afghanistan, Somalia, and Pakistan. Iran, whose ban on alcohol was instituted after the 1979 revolution, displayed just how serious a criminal offence drinking was in 2012, when two men were sentenced to death for drinking alcohol. The men had two prior convictions for which they each received 80 lashes.

*** end quote ***

I remember a time in my youth when in Nevada there was no speed limits, no drinking age, and prostitution was legal. The Mob ran the state and it was all very nice and peaceful.

Then, at the time, the drinking age in Pepuls Republik of Nu Jerk was 18. But I had my first beer at 14 in bar with my Dad. I drank there frequently and was never “carded” (i.e., asked for proof of age) until my 18th birthday. After that, the price of beer was half what it was when I was under age. (Guess that was the bar’s ‘risk premium’?)

SO why to we need the Gooferment telling us what we can do or put into our bodies. Are we their “human cattle”?


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POLITICAL: Sanders sold out — anyone surprised?

JULY 14, 2016 | DISINFO

*** begin quote ***

In a move that shocked faux-socialists everywhere Chairman Sanders went out on stage and officially endorsed none other than the Lizard Queen herself.

It was a sight to see, Sanders led in chains and forced to beg not only for his life but the lives of his devoted followers as Hillary watched from a chair made almost exclusively of Syrian children. “I have come here to make it as clear as possible why I am endorsing Hillary Clinton and why she must become our next president,” Sanders uttered under armed guard, “Secretary Clinton has won the Democratic nomination and I congratulate her for that.” Sanders would spend the next 45 minutes slowly assuring his armed party cadres around the country that this was exactly what he wanted, that all his talk of healthcare and socialism had been “window dressing,” simply too much to ask in these “dangerous times.”

The worst was yet to come however. As Hillary’s forked tongue began sniffing the air and tasting the tears of millions Sanders brokenly said “I intend to do everything I can to make certain she will be the next president of the United States.” Democratic Socialism, a new ideology that might have left a lasting impression on the political machinery of the United States, disappeared in an instant.

The political revolution was over.

*** end quote ***

Anyone surprised?

He’s a politician that has never had a real job.

And a closet communist besides.

He was a political cover for HRC that distracted the liberal left from repudiating HRC.


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ECONOMICS: Krugman is Obama / Clinton cheerleader

Ep. 43 Krugman Says Investors Have Given Up Hope…So, What Happened to that Obama Recovery, Paul?
16 July 2016     |     Tom Woods  

This week, Krugman considers several possible explanations for why long-term interest rates are so low around the world. The one he settles on: investors have concluded that the weak economy is the new normal, so to speak, so they’re willing to accept low yields. But this explanation contradicts Krugman’s repeated insistence that the Obama recovery is stronger than ignorant right-wingers give it credit for. Which is it?

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If “economics” is a natural science — which I believe it is, then how can it’s “laws” be ignored without consequences.

Imagine physics if the speed of light was not a constant?

Imagine chemistry if elements’ characteristics were ignored.

Imagine math if π was published as 3.14 exactly. 


Economics’ supply and demand is an observed logically consistent “law” (i.e., lower your price and people can buy more; raise your price and the opposite happens).

Interest rates are a reflection of people’s time preference. Not what the Gooferment says it is.


When the FED just “prints” money, people make terrible decisions!

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MONEY: A Gold Bull Market?

Peter Schiff: We’ve Entered a New Leg of a Gold Bull Market
By Samuel Bryan
July 16, 2016

*** begin quote ***

We still have a tremendous price that needs to be paid for the mistakes of the past. Even if we correct those mistakes in the future, we still are going to have a day of reckoning. And that day of reckoning is going to evolve a much lower US dollar and a much higher gold price.”

*** end quote ***

I think the WORST part of fiat currency is that we have lost is the objective standard of value!

“Money is a matter of functions four, a medium, a measure, a standard, a store.” He repeated that four times like poetry. “Six Characters in Money: Portable – Durable – Divisible – Uniformity – Limited Supply – Acceptability.” — CHURCH 10●19●62 (Vol 1) 978-0-557-08387-9 page 110

The paper produced by the FED ——

 The Federal Reserve Bank is a misnomer. IT ain’t “federal”. It reserves nothing. And, it ain’t a “bank”. It is a private cartel of the elite banks run for their benefit and that of the entrenched politicians.

— — fails three of the four functions — a measure, a standard, a store. 

So when we hear numbers kicked around they lose all sense of reality.

I’ve griped about the three silver dimes for a gallon of gas many times on this blog before. But it still states an essential truth. Silver hasn’t really changes and the gas is actually “better” gas. So what accounts for the delta (i.e., a gallon of lesser quality gas in the Sixties versus two plus gallons of today’s better gas)?

It’s the value of the money stupid.

The dollar 1960 value has been “inflated” away by the politicians and bureaucrats who put the difference in their pockets.

In the old days, it’d just be called what it is — theft.

Can’t you see it?

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RANT: The wrong questions — always the wrong questions

The Unasked Questions
By Butler Shaffer
July 16, 2016

*** begin quote ***

If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about answers.
 – Thomas Pynchon

Human understanding is premised upon a continuing refinement in the quality of questions we bring to any subject matter. If our distant ancestors knew little more about their physical world than the proposition that “some things fall and hurt us,” their ability to safely function in the world might have been insufficient to sustain their lives. After centuries of trying to explain such occurrences by reciting such maxims as that things fall to their natural level in the world, our ancestors became better informed by Newton’s understanding of gravity and principles of motion. His views – like the more sophisticated opinions that followed from other scientists – emerged not from the recitation of other men’s answers, but from the formulation of more complex questions.

*** end quote ***


How do we get society asking the RIGHT questions?

What is right question?

It’s the all about the proper role of Gooferment versus government!

If you’re a little L libertarian, government is “your nightwatchman”. Anything else, it’s someplace between the national “mother” and “father”.


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GUNS: The gun grabbers are aiming at conditioning children against guns

Latest Gun Control Legislation Takes Aim at Children, and Reveals a Sinister Truth
Posted at 3:05 pm on July 13, 2016 by Jenn Jacques

*** begin quote ***

The Help End Assault Rifle Tragedies (HEART) Act of 2016 as announced by Markey and Gallego claims to protect children by prohibiting anyone under the age of 16 from possessing or firing machine guns and assault weapons, specifying that the law would extend to gun shows and shooting ranges.

However, the bill clearly aims to shut down all youth shooting sports and young hunters’ ability to participate in any activity that uses guns.

*** end quote ***

Always and irresistibly chasing the goal of putting the people totally under their thumbs!

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RANT: Declassify the 28 pages now!

28 pages on alleged Saudi ties to 9/11 to be released as soon as Friday
By Jim Sciutto and Deirdre Walsh, CNN
Updated 1:55 PM ET, Thu July 14, 2016

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Long overdue!

Got to this site to keep the pressure up on the congress critters.

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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: The depths of the HRC cover up


*** begin quote ***

The New York Post first reported that the “Case Briefing Acknowledgement” was signed by the Clinton email agents, citing anonymous sources, but the Grassley letter is believed to be the first public acknowledgement by the FBI, and includes a sample copy of the non-disclosure agreement.

*** end quote ***

Can’t have any of those “messy details” leak out about another Clinton cover up!


# – # – # – # – #  2016-Jul-14 @ 11:05  

ECONOMICS: $15 minimum wage

Democratic party platform calls for $15 minimum wage in win for Sanders
Published July 09, 2016

*** begin quote ***

Sen. Bernie Sanders’ effort to shape the Democratic Party’s election platform scored a major victory Friday with the approval of an amendment calling for increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour.

*** end quote ***

Haven’t heard anything this stupid since the bit about Alabama setting the value of pi to be the “Biblical value” of 3.0!

Seriously though, how can a major political party defy the LAWS of economics?

It’s as if they think that, like King Canute, they can change the laws of the physical Universe.

The Laws of Economics are as real as any of the other laws of the physical Universe like the Law of Gravity.


How STUPID can the average American voter be to vote for them?


*** begin quote ***

This wonderful bit of creative writing began circulating on the Internet in April 1998. Written by Mark Boslough as an April Fool’s parody on legislative and school board attacks on evolution in New Mexico, the author took real statements from New Mexican legislators and school board members supporting creationism and recast them into a fictional account detailing how Alabama legislators had passed a law calling for the value of pi to be set to the “Biblical value” of 3.0. 

*** end quote ***

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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: HRC is an example of what’s wrong

Awareness is Key
By Luis P. Almeida
July 8, 2016

*** begin quote ***

The recent announcement by the FBI that Hillary Clinton did not break the law but simply showed “extreme carelessness” should serve as a shot across the bow to anyone responsible for their organization’s information security. The FBI’s recommendation does not provide much help in regards to determining where the line is drawn between criminal “gross negligence” and “extreme carelessness”. One theory is that the difference lies in foreknowledge and intent. If so, then all of us in the security space need to take a very hard look at improving and enhancing security awareness within our organizations. Our users must be informed, otherwise, we bear the responsibility for their actions.

*** end quote ***

HRC serves as TWO good exemplars:

  • First, that “security” MUST start at the TOP. I’ve been a mid-level VP in an IT organization and gotten little or no support. I could have run all the programs and awareness until “the cows come home” but the message from the top is overpowering.
  • Second, as a little L libertarian, HRC shows just how out of control the political empire is. One set of rules for ; another for thee.

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TECHNOLOGY: Sears Quiz-A-Tron is a coding trick

by: Gerrit Coetzee
June 29, 2016  

*** begin quote ***

… looks back a time in the 80s when kids would learn by answering the questions to quizzes on their “TOMY Teacher,” or, “Sears Quiz-A-Tron”. There’s a bit of a conundrum with this toy. How did it know which answers were correct. Chip memory of any kind wasn’t the kind of thing you’d sweep into the dust bin if you had extras like it is now; it was expensive.

To use the toy, the child would place the notebook in the plastic frame on the device. They’d open the page with the quiz they would like to take. Printed in the upper left hand corner were three colored squares. There was a matching set of colored buttons on the device. They’d press the corresponding buttons in order from top to bottom and then the machine would magically know which answers on the quiz were correct.

*** end quote ***

If it looks too good to be true, then there is a hidden trick somewhere.

I found this entertaining!

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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Why do we stand for this?


The Department of Political Justice
By Andrew P. Napolitano
July 7, 2016

*** begin quote ***

Comey has argued that somehow there is such a legal chasm between extreme carelessness and gross negligence that the feds cannot bridge it. That is not an argument for him to make. That is for a jury to decide after a judge instructs the jury about what Comey fails to understand: There is not a dime’s worth of difference between these two standards. Extreme carelessness is gross negligence.

Unless, of course, one is willing to pervert the rule of law yet again to insulate a Clinton yet again from the law enforcement machinery that everyone else who fails to secure state secrets should expect.

Why do we stand for this?

*** end quote ***

We have long known that there was one set of rules for the rich and rest of us.

This just proves it.

I’m so frustrated with this I can’t even think how I can “not stand for it”!

What does the Judge propose?

All I can think of is “Anybody but Hillary”.

Hence, I’ll support choice.

The American system only allows two “parties” — effectively.

We saw Bill Clinton get elected when Ross Perot — a Democrat in Republican Conservative garb — split the vote.

So, unfortunately, I’ll support and vote for Trump — the prettiest horse in the glue factory coral. 

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POLITICS: Senator Ayotte tells me “drop dead”!


July 6, 2016

Dear Mr. Reinke:

Thank you for your comments regarding the fiscal year (FY) 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and the integration of women into the Selective Service.  I appreciate hearing from you.

On June 14, 2016, the U.S. Senate passed its version of the FY 2017 NDAA by a vote of 85-13.  With our troops in harm’s way confronting serious and growing threats to our nation, I was proud to vote in support of the NDAA, which authorizes roughly $602 billion in necessary defense spending.  As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Chair of the Readiness and Management Support Subcommittee, I worked to include more than 42 provisions in the Senate-passed FY 2017 NDAA and associated Committee Report that will strengthen our national security and support those who serve our country, including at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (PNSY), Pease Air National Guard Base, and in the New Hampshire National Guard.

The FY 2017 Senate-passed NDAA also includes a provision that would require all female citizens of the United States and females residing in the United States who attain the age of 18 years on or after January 1, 2018, to register for the Selective Service.  The Department of Defense has opened up all the combat billets for women who can meet the qualifications of those billets, and as a result, I believe women should now also register for the Selective Service.

As Chair of the Senate Armed Services Readiness and Management Support Subcommittee, I understand the importance of the Selective Service to our nation’s military readiness.  Please be assured that I will continue to closely monitor our nation’s military readiness, as well as any changes to the Selective Service.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me.  It is important for me to hear from you regarding the current issues affecting New Hampshire and our nation.  Please do not hesitate to be in touch again if I may be of further assistance.

Kelly A. Ayotte
U. S. Senator

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So I wrote to kill “Selective Service”, and she votes “FOR”.


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*** begin quote ***


Senator Ayotte is still pushing her gun ban agenda. Her behavior is shameful considering that she took an oath to support and defend the Constitution and six years ago she promised to protect the civil right to be armed.

*** end quote ***

She continues to disappoint.

# – # – # – # – #  2016-Jul-07 @ 11:23