CLOUD: Backup your work ALWAYS

Google takes down man’s blog, erasing 14 years of work
By Michael Harthorne  Published July 19, 2016  Newser

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An acclaimed artist says he lost 14 years of work when Google took down his blog last month.

Artist Dennis Cooper made a horrifying discovery June 27: His 14-year-old blog—the sole home of his experimental writing, research, photographs, and more—was gone, Art Forum reports.

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Backup, backup, backup.

“Two is one; one is none.” (Old military preparedness adage.)

There really is no excuse for getting caught short like this.

Take this as your OFFICIAL warning.

(Despite the illusion, only BAD stuff stays on the inet forever!)

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Was it done to stick one in the eye of the ordinary viewer who looks at the hijab as a sign of the slavery of Muslim women by a male- dominated and clearly violent religion?

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