How to Make Your Own Seed Bombs
August 10, 2013
10:00 am

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Guerrilla gardening may use the language of civilian warfare, but floral beauty is the uniting cause. Gardening without permission is another way of describing these activities: not strictly legal but filed away by the authorities under the category of “What’s not to like?” Alex Mitchell in her book The Rurbanite shows the editors of Gardenista how to make seed bombs, using guerrilla tactics to spread cheer.

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For some reason this appeals to the rebel in my soul.

Even if you never see the flowers, someone else will.

This is almost karmic. Or aka something I could see “Dharma” doing. (Obsure reference to Janna Elfman from “Dharma and Greg”! @jennaelfman)

Maybe I’ll do this when I go to Alaska?

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