INSPIRATIONAL: Understanding one’s role

October 22, 2012

Reader Says We Don’t Do Enough

Posted by Karen De Coster on October 22, 2012 02:21 PM

*** begin quote ***

I received an email from an LRC reader today. This type of theme is not too common, but I occasionally get these letters. It reads as follows:

The Word of God teaches me it’s foolish and useless to tell a cold and hungry person to go forth, be filled and warm, unless I give them the necessary food and clothing. Same theory applies here.

Most LRC contributors do an outstanding job of relaying another in an endless series of stories about everyday Amerikans getting their butts kicked, but I never notice anyone on LRC actually doing anything at all to HELP these victims of abuse.

The burning question in MY mind is “why not?”

Here is my response to the reader:

You wrote:

“I never notice anyone on LRC actually doing anything at all to HELP these victims of abuse.”

Really? Do you follow us around all day, and watch what we do? Do you have special powers to do this? How do I get those powers?

*** end quote ***


I too have had a good life. For whatever reason, fortune, luck, good decisions / bad decisions — much of what I have I credit to my sainted wife who put up with my silliness.

This really annoys me.

I give away as much as I consume.’

If for no other reason than the theif who steals heaven with his last minute repentance. I rely on the workers int he vinyard who come in at 3PM, yet earn the full wage.

As I sit here, I have no idea what is in front of me, It’s more about allowing people to stand on my shoulders, as low as they are, to learn form what I have “learned”.

We all stand on the shoulders of those who have preceded us?

Wish it was more simple than that. Us old folks have the problem of lead, follow, or at least get out of the way. :-(


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