INTERESTING: Limited immunity to people requesting medical assistance for overdoses

Tweak the Law, Save Lives
May 18, 2011 by Highline

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Most of you who read the things I write know that my pet issue is drug prohibition.

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One idea that has been bouncing around in my head for some time is getting involved in the political process to try and advocate for both a law which would encourage minors who have used alcohol irresponsibly and all people who have used dangerous drugs to seek medical attention if needed. A person having an overdose of alcohol or drugs presently could be (and should be) afraid to call for medical assistance, as when the EMT’s arrive, so does the criminal justice system.

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I know a good way. Let’s try and turn New Hampshire into the 3rd state in the nation which grants limited criminal immunity to people requesting medical assistance for alcohol and drug overdoses.

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This sounds like a GREAT idea!

We need to switch from drug punishment to treating it like a medical problem.

This is the best idea I’ve heard in a while.

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