POLITICAL: Cut off all government transfer payments to billionaires


Letter from Richard Bartucci
Re: “Start with NASA” by Jim Davidson

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Can’t we take it much, much further? I’d like to draw to your attention a recent article by economist Thomas Sowell (see http://tinyurl.com/3w4cemr) titled “Another Spending Cut Plan,” in which he advises that the federal budget be cut by specifically zeroing-out the tax feeder programs most beloved of the Republican Party. He writes:

My plan would start by cutting off all government transfer payments to billionaires. Many, if not most, people are probably unaware that the government is handing out the taxpayers’ money to billionaires. But agricultural subsidies go to a number of billionaires. Very little goes to the ordinary farmer.

Big corporations also get big bucks from the government, not only in agricultural subsidies but also in the name of “green” policies, in the name of “alternative energy” policies, and in the name of whatever else will rationalize shoveling the taxpayers’ money out the door to whomever the administration designates, for its own political reasons.

The usual political counter-attacks against spending cuts will not work against this new kind of spending cut approach. How many heart-rending stories can the media run about billionaires who have lost their handouts from the taxpayers? How many tears will be shed if General Motors gets dumped off the gravy train?

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Sounds like a plan to me. Cut the dole. Start at the top!

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