POLITICAL: Time for the USA, like the USSR, to disintegrate


Just Say No
by Shawn Macomber

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Thomas Woods: I’m interested in political decentralization as a way of bridging ideological divides, even if I realize that for most on the left federal supremacy is like their bread and butter.… Still, the Kirkpatrick Sales of the left do exist – people who favor farmers markets and say things like ‘Small is Beautiful’ – and there is a growing number on the right who also feel the political scale has gotten too big. That is what needs to be cultivated on both sides. It can be done. You know, I bet I could find some Vermonters who basically want to let Vermont be Vermont.

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Of all the states that could secede, imho Vermont could be the best suited to going it alone. I made Vermont the destination of the heroic children of my dreams in “CHURCH 10●19●62”. The State is loaded with advantages and people who are pre-disposed to “independence”.

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Reinke, Ferdinand J. “Chapter Eighty Six — Rest in Peace.” CHURCH 10●19●62 (978-0-557-08425-8). Vol. 2. Lulu. 279. Print.

“It’s a dangerous world out there. And, we don’t have the luxury of wasting any asset. Life is changing every day. Vermont has to change with it. I see all sorts of changes coming. Children will no longer waste the first 25 years of their lives. Adults will no longer be tossed on the rubbish pile for the last 50 years of their life. Vermont is going to become the economic miracle of the Northeast. It has natural advantages that will make it possible. Think the Switzerland of the New World.”

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