RANT: NAACP targets the wrong villains; those politicians are not your friends


Look who’s talking
Posted: July 16, 2010
Pat Buchanan

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As longshoreman-philosopher Eric Hoffer observed, every great movement begins as a cause, eventually becomes a business, then degenerates into a racket. Time for the Ford Foundation to pull the plug on its subsidiary (referring to the NAACP), whose time has come and gone a long time ago.

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There’s no doubt that there are people who are racists. Black and white. I can only imagine how screwed those people who were taken advantage of feel. But, calling names and getting all riled up, does ZERO to solve the problems of the day.

If I was in the NAACP, then I’d be after the scalps of the politicians and bureaucrats who put them in a virtual slavery and pander to keep them there. The psuedo “war” on (some) drugs have destroyed the Black Communities. The welfare system has simultaneously destroyed the Black Family, the Black Churches, and the initiative of anyone captured in their system. And, the worst “killer” of minorities is the education system. Walter Williams captured it perfectly: “If the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan wanted to sabotage black academic excellence, he could not find a more effective means to do so than the government school system in most cities.”

Let’s begin to solve the problems: repeal the drug laws, free all non-violent drug offenders, let’s work to end the welfare system, and let’s free the schools. Then we can go after ALL the diktats that restrict inner city entrepreneurs (e.g., hair braiding licenses; dollar van restrictions; taxi medallions; food laws used to protect incumbents; minimum wage laws; zoning regs; rent control).

Let’s get everyone a slice of the American Dream! Expanding the pie can ensure that everyone meets the promise of the DofI — all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are the right to life, liberty, and property.

Restore America to its ideal.

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