TECHNOLOGY: Google’s OCR needs work

Google’s OCR translated that into:

*** begin quote ***

Sister Mary Virgilius O’Brien, RSM

at Maria Regina in Seaford. In Brook-

lyn, her school as- sígnments included Holy

as Aquinas, St. Brigid’s and the Convent of Mercy, and in she St; 1 Gerard Majella in Hollis and

School in Astoria. In 1955 she graduated from Manhattan College with a B.A. in Latín. In 1967, she earned a master’s degree from Seton Hall University. Sister Virgilius worked in food management at Visíta-

tion Residence here (1980-83), before retiring to the Convent of Mercy in 1993, and then moving to Maria Regina Residence in Brentwood. She is survived by one sister, Sister of Mercy Kathleen O’Brien

*** end quote ***

That’s not even close. But it was “free”! Argh! Unusable, but free.

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