RANT: The oil spill and “bigger fish to fry”


* JULY 2, 2010

Why Is the Gulf Cleanup So Slow?
There are obvious actions to speed things up, but the government oddly resists taking them.

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As the oil spill continues and the cleanup lags, we must begin to ask difficult and uncomfortable questions. There does not seem to be much that anyone can do to stop the spill except dig a relief well, not due until August. But the cleanup is a different story. The press and Internet are full of straightforward suggestions for easy ways of improving the cleanup, but the federal government is resisting these remedies.

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One possibility is sheer incompetence.

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Another possibility is that the administration places a higher priority on interests other than

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Finally there is the most pessimistic explanation—that the oil spill may be viewed as an opportunity, the way White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said back in February 2009, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”

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Oh come on now, you couldn’t possibly believe that BHO44 wants to use the spill for political purposes?

I do!


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One thought on “RANT: The oil spill and “bigger fish to fry”

  1. I heard of the ‘redneck’ solution the other day, and when you think about it….it does have ‘some’ merit. Remove the BOP (Blow out preventer) so the hole is exposed. Attach guiding cables to a huge old ship that no one wants any more….sink the ship over the oil leak spot and guide it down over the hole. Big ship weighing thousands of tons sitting on oil hole….done! It is interesting at least.


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