POLITICAL: Bart Stupak “Retire” before he is “retired” at the polls?


Bart Stupak May Retire From Congress After Massive Abortion-Health Care Battle
by Steven Ertelt LifeNews.com Editor
April 7, 2010

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Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) — Congressman Bart Stupak, the formerly respected pro-life Democratic leader from Michigan, is reportedly considering retiring from Congress. Stupak is said to be so exhausted, along with his family, from the bruising repercussions of the abortion and health care debate he may consider quitting.

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Couldn’t be because he led his constituents down the garden path about what he believed. And, now, the voters seek to hold him accountable. Pro-lifers got screwed; now, it’s their turn.

One reason is to always stay true to your principles in hard times; you can’t regain credibility when you trade your vote for some money.

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