HARDWARE: Apple’s WiFI is suspect; to me at least!


What do iPad’s Wi-Fi problems mean for AT&T?
by Kevin FitchardApril 6th, 2010

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When AT&T said it believed the iPad would be mostly a Wi-Fi (rather than a 3G) device, that would have figured to make any of the network concerns that have plagued the iPhone a moot point. Think again. The biggest problem with the newly launched iPad would seem to be with Wi-Fi connectivity, with reports of no connection or weak signals among some early iPad users. The problems would clearly seem to be with the device itself, with some iPads having problems connecting to any Wi-Fi signal, not just AT&T’s Wi-Fi service.

*** end quote ***

The WiFI problems on the iPad make me suspect that my gut feeling about the MacBookAir could be correct.

I’ve always thought I noticed that the MacBookAir was always scanning for a WiFi signal. Periodically, the computer would (as I described in my blog) go on “a mental vacation”. When I’d look at the “airport”, it would be scanning for networks. Could it be dropping the signal? I’m located less than 25 feet from the WiFi base. I have other Windoze computers using the WiFi without any problems at all.

(Sometimes, windoze needs a reboot to clear up its “thinking”. Weekly? But, never drops the WiFi connection. The ISP’s network sometimes seems to go on a “mental vacation” and everything Router, Windoze, and MacBookAir all need a reboot to pass traffic. But that’s not a MacBookAir problem.)

So maybe there is BOTH a hardware and software problem with ALL Apple products that use WiFi. I don’t have a College’s EE lab and a group of hungry CompSci PhD candidates who will work for free to study the problem. BUT, [and there is ALWAYS a big butt), I’m convinced there’s a serious problem with Apple’s wifi. And, I’d steer clear of it until it’s solved.

Consumers Reports, Underwriters Laboratory, or any school’s CompSci dean listening?

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