RANT: No privacy in Obamacare


August 26, 2009 8:26 PM

Democratic Health Care Bill Divulges IRS Tax Data

Posted by Declan McCullagh

*** begin quote ***

One of the problems with any proposed law that’s over 1,000 pages long and constantly changing is that much deviltry can lie in the details. Take the Democrats’ proposal to rewrite health care policy, better known as H.R. 3200 or by opponents as “Obamacare.” (Here’s our CBS News television coverage.)

Section 431(a) of the bill says that the IRS must divulge taxpayer identity information, including the filing status, the modified adjusted gross income, the number of dependents, and “other information as is prescribed by” regulation. That information will be provided to the new Health Choices Commissioner and state health programs and used to determine who qualifies for “affordability credits.”

*** and ***

Over at the Institute for Policy Innovation (a free-market think tank and presumably no fan of Obamacare), Tom Giovanetti argues that: “How many thousands of federal employees will have access to your records? The privacy of your health records will be only as good as the most nosy, most dishonest and most malcontented federal employee…. So say good-bye to privacy from the federal government. It was fun while it lasted for 233 years.”

*** end quote ***

And, CBS couldn’t possibly have a prejudice!

Please, the article is disingenuous. With a slap at a “free market think tank” as if that disqualifies them from having brought forward an “interesting fact”. THey point out to anyone who can read that the bill ENSURES that your privacy is gone!


How’s “change” working out for you? Me, not so good!

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One thought on “RANT: No privacy in Obamacare

  1. I think that the problem with the current debate is that healthcare is being confused with health insurance. Insurance by definition is a financial risk management instrument. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insurance). Healthcare is about the treatment and management of illness (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_care). The government healthcare plans attempts to address one (healthcare) by regulating the other (health insurance) to the detriment of both.


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