RANT: Throw the gooferment out of “health”


Obama: Unwitting catalyst for free-market health care?
Posted: August 07, 2009
David Limbaugh

*** begin quote ***

a sampling of excessive state-mandated treatments that are covered, including: acupuncture, alcoholism treatment, athletic trainers, breast reduction, contraceptives, dieticians, drug abuse treatment, hair prosthesis, home health care, hormone replacement therapy, in vitro fertilization, marriage therapy, massage therapy, nature treatments, pastoral counseling, Port-stain elimination, professional counseling, smoking cessation, speech therapy and varicose vein removal.

*** end quote ***

Time to push the gooferment out of all the things that it is into.

At the root, the only proper function of government is to protect us from force or fraud.

So, the federal gooferment has no role in “health care” other than to resolve conflicts between the states. The FDA is an agency that has failed. “Health and Human Services” needs to be nuked.

Slash the Federal budget. Repeal the income tax. And, make the bureaucrats literally barefoot beggars.

Congress critters and their minons have better pensions than almost any taxpayer. That’s just not right.


Wake up sheeple!

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